
Installing WordPress Locally Using XAMPP

To start this topic first you have to know clearly about what is WordPress? Well, WordPress is actually an online and open-source website or blog creation tool. Most probably it is the most easiest and powerful blogging and website CMS(Content Management System) nowadays.

Installing WordPress Locally

WordPress can be used in two different ways.

  1. WordPress.com
  2. WordPress.org

WordPress can also be installed locally on a personal computer. There are many advantages of installing WordPress locally. Such that,

  • You can get familiar with WordPress
  • You can get familiar with the database
  • Also, you can make changes locally, then on your live blog

To get WordPress locally installed you will be needed software named XAMPP as well as the latest WordPress file.

Installation Process Step by Step

Step 1: Install XAMPP (Regular installation Process).

Step 2: Download the WordPress file. The downloaded file is a .zip file. Extract it to the C:\xampp\htdocs folder. You can rename the folder or can leave it as it is. Here I am renaming the folder as ThyemeRally.

Step 3: Start XAMPP server control panel from C:\xampp. Then start the Apache and MySQL App Option from XAMPP.

Step 4: Go to Localhost-PhpMyAdmin.

Step 5: Click on Database. Enter a Database name. Then click on the collation. You will get an option to select utf8_general_ci and finally click on the Create button.


Step 6: Go to http://localhost/themerally. Use the name of the folder you created. There you will see an option to select your language and click the Continue button.

Step 7: Click on the Let’s Go button.


Step 8: Now Input the details :

  • Database name: As you have created (Themerally)
  • Username: root
  • Password: Keep it blank
  • Database host: Leave it default (localhost)
  • Table prefix: Leave it default (wp_)

Then click Submit button.


Step 9: Click on the Run the install button.

Step 10: On the next page you have to fill some sort of section with Pieces of information like Site title, Username, Password, and Email address. Fill them and then click the Install WordPress button.


Step 11: On the next page you will find a place to input your Username and password to log in.

Input the pieces of information and click the login button.

Step 12: You will now see your Dashboard to use WordPress.

Congratulations!!! You are done. You can now easily use plugins by downloading them and Customizing your WordPress website. Thank you for staying with us so long. Please share if this article seems useful to you. If you have any difficulties, please join our Theme Rally Community to ask your questions 

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  • Lynn Creger says

    Thanks for this nice guideline. This is very explainable and understandable. I have successfully installed WordPress on my local computer with the help of this post.

  • Monjurul Hasan says

    Thanks for such a nice guideline. I have successfully installed WordPress on my local computer. This video has helped a lot in installing WordPress on my local computer.

  • Christi From Prime Slider says

    Thanks for this… I’m trying to restore a website that was corrupted. I have copied the files into a folder as per your instructions and am getting: “error establishing database connection” Is it possible to move the old database to the localhost?

  • Mohammad Ali says

    I have tried to install WordPress using XAMPP many times before but couldn’t succeed, but after following your instructions I was able to install WordPress successfully on my PC. Thanks a lot and waiting for more quality tuts on WordPress.

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